Penistone, UK (photo by John Nguyen/Ross Parry Agency)
Wetwang, UK (photo by GingrichCrew)
Hell, Michigan, USA (photo by morville)
Hooker, Oklahoma, USA (photo by harrell)
Embarrass, Minnesota, USA (photo by auvet)
Bird in Hand, Pennsylvania, USA
Titty Ho, UK (photo by joelpeck)
Middelfart, another funny town name in central Denmark (photo by Alana Berrington)
Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada (photo by Jcmurphy)
Fucking, Austria. That's one of the most stolen road-sign in the world.
Crotch Crescent, UK (photo by xueexueg)
Crapstone, UK (photo by chris_kh_poh)
Intercourse, Pennsylvania, USA
Boring, Oregon, USA (photo by chiculadreams)
Accident, Maryland, USA (photo by oh candy)